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The Problem

Heineken wanted to better understand the customers who visited their pubs and learn their habits, but they didn’t have a database of pub-goers to use. They also wanted to promote their drinks offerings to guests in-venue to increase affinity with the Heineken brand.

Our Insights

Wireless Social offers a solution called Perks, where drinks brands can sponsor the Wi-Fi in venues and send vouchers with drinks offers to targeted guests based on their demographic and drinking habits. We saw that when guests got a voucher for a drink via Perks, there was an average opt-in rate of 80% and a 56% redemption rate of the drink.

Our Solution

Heineken sponsored the Wi-Fi into several well-known pub and bar brands, and as such were able to collect demographic data about their guests for analysis purposes, and trigger timely, relevant vouchers to guests in-venue to increase loyalty to their drinks. Right person, right place, right time.

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