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The benefits of using a hospitality focused CRM


Wireless Social data typically accounts for  50%+ of our client’s overall data capture. To capitalise on this wealth of information you have on your customers, it’s hugely beneficial to invest in a hospitality-focused Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system.

Here are some of the key benefits highlighting why it’s worth investing in a solution that will help you deliver your marketing strategy and drive that all important ROI. 

Improved customer communication

The right CRM partner can help you to communicate with your customers in a more effective way. This can include sending personalised promotions, updates on new menu items or events, and other relevant information via email, text message, or other channels - based on the preferences of each customer.

By keeping in touch with them in this targeted way, it will help you to build stronger relationships and brand loyalty to ensure they keep coming back.

Enhanced customer loyalty

You can go beyond gathering an email address and date of birth with data that matters, like food preferences and behavioural insight. You will be able to build better guest experiences and ultimately drive more loyal guests, who visit more frequently, spend more and stay longer.

By using a CRM system to track and reward customer loyalty, restaurants can encourage repeat business and build a strong base of loyal customers. Whether you have a loyalty club, offer discounts or utilise automations to send surprise and delight emails based on visit count, you will ensure that you are rewarding the right customers and driving that all important frequency and SPH. 

Streamlined communications

Automated or ‘triggered’ emails are a hospitality business's best friend. From an operational point of view, journeys such as reservation management  can help reduce no-shows or sending post-visit feedback emails which help you monitor guest satisfaction levels, which are a key indicator of likelihood to repeat visit.

From a marketing point of view, the options are almost endless. Whether it’s birthday treats and booking prompts for special occasions, incentives to return for lapsed visitors or surprise and delight treats for your most loyal customers, these are ideal ways to ensure you’re constantly staying in touch whilst also driving incremental revenue. The average automated birthday email is reported to drive on average an additional £13k spend per year, per venue on top of the free dish or drink.  

Utilising the key data points passed into your CRM from key providers such as Wireless Social, feeds these automated journeys to ensure you are constantly marketing in a relevant and efficient way. For time-stretched ops and marketing teams, this is essential.

Improved business insights

When working with multiple tech partners, as well as the insights they can provide in their specialty areas, you also want the ability to see all of your data in one place with an intuitive reporting platform to gain actionable insights on your customers, their behaviour and and their spending habits.

This information can be used to inform business decisions, such as menu changes, pricing strategies, and marketing campaigns, helping you to stay ahead of the competition and drive revenue growth.

Future proof your tech stack

Hospitality businesses can expand and downsize rapidly, opening and closing venues to fit market needs. Hospitality-focused CRMs know this and often offer packages with flexible scalability depending on the size of your estate, unlike many off the shelf platforms.

The automation options for hospitality require a more sophisticated and detailed system compared to many other sectors, for example, segmenting comms via dietary requirement, booking method, occasion/event attended. Using a hospitality-focused CRM with these options already in-built saves time, allowing teams to focus on other strategies that help drive sales and revenue.

Get in touch

Over the next couple of weeks, we will be showcasing a number of our customers and how they are succeeding with their hospitality focused CRMs.

Learn how you can supercharge your data capture to improve marketing communications and enhance customer loyalty with Wireless Social.